
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tutorial: Install Photoshop on Ubuntu 14.04

This article is based on and I made adjustment and notes based on my own experience.

I have use Ubuntu since Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and now Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. As you can see on the original article, this tutorial written for Ubuntu 13.04, but, I have done this many times on Ubuntu 12.04LTS and Ubuntu 14.04LTS without any serious issues (...or not yet found :D ).

What is needed:
1. Internet Connection with huge internet quota (we are gonna need <1GB, but prepare to 1-3GB quota)
2. Install bit torrent client from Ubuntu Software Center. I use Transmission BitTorrent Client.

What you need to know:
1. All command done in Command Line/Console/Terminal. Press CTRL+ALT+T to open it
2. One line of command begins with ~$ thecommand sign
3. Please copy-paste thecommand only, without ~$ sign
4. Do it sequentially
5. Do it on your own risk


Install Wine
1. Add specific repository for wine
     ~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa

2. Update your software database
     ~$ sudo apt-get update

3. Install wine
     ~$ sudo apt-get install wine1.5

Change wine prefix
If  we use default wine prefix, then wine will set it's prefix based on the Operating System architecture.
For example, if we use Ubuntu 64bit, then default wine prefix is 64bit.
Once we set wine prefix to an architecture, to 32bit for example, then all installed application on wine should be 32bit.
You cannot install 64bit application on 32bit wine prefix, or vise versa. The installation may runs well, but you will find lots and lots bugs when you runs the application latter on.

1. Delete default wine prefix at /home
     ~$ rm -rf .wine

2. Set wine prefix to your photoshop architecture (I use 32bit)
     ~$ WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine winecfg

Install Dependencies Photoshop
Photoshop needs lots of windows library such as Internet Explorer, Visual C, msxml, etc. We need to use winetricks to ease the process.

Winetricks will help us check weather needed library is already installed, if not, it will download and install needed library automatically. Some library need human interaction, but don't worry, it's as simple as clicking Next, next, finnish (you know what I mean :D)

3 steps to use winetricks
1. Download winetricks
     ~$ wget

2. runs winetricks to install libraries
     ~$ sh winetricks -q atmlib gdiplus ie6 vcrun2005sp1 vcrun2008 fontsmooth-rgb corefonts msxml3 msxml6 vcrun2010

3. Repeat no 2 above until you see:
     Executing w_do_call vcrun2010
     vcrun2010 already installed, skipping

Copy Windows DLL
Use browser and file manager to do these 2 command
2. Extract, Copy-paste odbc32.dll AND odbcint.dll to .wine/drive_c/windows/system32/ on your home directory

Install Photoshop
Finally, Installing Photoshop. For those who has the CD you can simply right click on setup.exe and choose Open with wine windows loader, then do the install process like you did on windows.

Run winetricks once more to make sure windows fonts are loaded.
     ~$ winetricks fontsmooth-rgb

To run Photoshop, you can use desktop shortcut or through Terminal
     ~$ wine '/home/namakamu/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Photoshop.exe'

Hope this help someone, and dont forget to leave your comments below, cheers... :)


  1. Hey, thanks for the article, i finally could install in my ubuntu 14.04 Photoshop CC with no errors!!

    I would to translate this article to portuguese and post on "" Can i do this? Thanks bro

    1. Hi yes, you can copy this article to your own site, translate it, even better make your own version based on your own experience, I don't mind.

      Please link back if you feels like it :)

      Thank you for visiting!

  2. Grat,works! God bless you!

  3. Hello, I'm looking for x64 bit version. Thx ;)

    1. I don't have x64 bit version, sorry.
      If you find one, care to share? :D


    Not being able to use photoshop in ubuntu have been bothering me for months.. Didnt think wine would be any good, but after following your steps it seems to work perfectly fine! Thanks mate

  5. This worked perfectly.

  6. what should be the wine prefix for ubuntu 14.04 - 64 bit ??

    the one you provided was this:
    Set wine prefix to your photoshop architecture (I use 32bit)
    ~$ WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine winecfg


    1. If you have a 64-bit system, Wine will start an 64-bit environment by default.

      If you use 64bit ubuntu but wanted 32bit windows applications, then yes do as instructed above, that should work :)

  7. I can confirm this works with CS6 and even the new CC, not perfect but usable for what I need. Thanks!

  8. What is the total size of the libraries downloads through winetricks?

    1. Hi, honestly, I have no idea :D Anyone can confirm this?

  9. Hi,
    Photoshop cs2 woks on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS 32bit! Thanks!
    Can you help with Illustrator cs2 instalation? Illustrator installs properly, but crashes upon startup with the error "The operation cannot complete because of an unknown error. [PARAM]". Thanks!

  10. Fantastic. I got stuck on the installer running in 32bit wineprefix.
    Using the latest winetricks and your odbc dll's did the job :-)

    Thank you so much for sharing !

  11. Great job, it actually worked! Thank you for this :)

  12. Hello,

    I finally installed CS6, however, when I open a file or even created a new file, the application crashes.

    Was there an effect of installing the program before copying the .dll files?

    1. More likely you choose the wrong architecture on your installation, but to be save, tried the tutorial step by step :)

  13. Hi, i have a problem installing ie6, while running winetricks libraries command I'm getting a message saying "setup has detected a newer version of internet explorer", can you pls recommend on a good source to solve this issue or maybe you know a way to solve it. Thanks ahead.

  14. Hello, good, I did everything you said, but when you run the setup, an error appears saying that some files are missing, help me?


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